我公司承建的河北省石家庄市井陉县厦能炘生活垃圾焚烧发电项目烟气净化系统提标改造工程于2024年12月23日通过72+24小时试运行。 The flue gas cleaning system upgrading project of XiannengXin household waste incineration Power generation plant in Jingxing County, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, undertaken by Huaxing East, has passed the 72-hour + 24- hour trial operation on 23rd. Dec., 2024.
该项目建设总处理规模为1200t/d,建设2x600t/d的机械炉排垃圾焚烧生产线,配置2x12MW汽轮发电机组。烟气处理采用“SNCR(改造)+干法烟气脱酸(SDS)+活性炭喷射(非本次合同范围内)+布袋除尘器(非本次合同范围内)+SGH(蒸汽换热器)+低温SCR+催化剂”的烟气净化工艺,为我司EPC工程。 The total plant processing capacity is 1200 t/d. 2x600 t/d mechanical grate incineration lines are constructed, equipped with 2x12 MW steam turbine units. The FGC adopted the process of "SNCR renovation + dry deacidification SDS + activated carbon injection (not contractor scope) + bag filter (not contractor scope) + SGH steam-gas-heater + low-temperature SCR + Catalyst ". It is an EPC project of Huaxing.
华星东方在河北省的业绩涵盖包括:保定一期、二期、衡水、安平、定州、沧州一期、石家庄、石家庄晋州、曹妃甸、围场、顺平、唐山一期、二期、张家口北、固安、香河、滦州、廊坊、沙河、石家庄厦能炘、邢台威县等多个项目。 The achievements of Huaxing East in Hebei Province include Baoding phase I & II, Hengshui, Anping, Dingzhou, Cangzhou phase I, Shijiazhuang, Jinzhou of Shijiazhuang,Caofeidian, Weichang, Shunping, Tangshan phase I & II, North Zhangjiakou, Gu'an, Xianghe, Luanzhou, Langfang, Shahe, Xia Nenxin of Shijiazhuang, Weixian of Xingtai, etc.