从住建部网站获悉,由中国城市建设研究院有限公司等牵头主编,江苏华星东方环保科技有限公司等17家单位联合参编的《生活垃圾焚烧处理与能源利用工程技术标准》(GB/T51452-2024)(以下简称标准)已获批成为国家标准,将于今年5月1日起实施。 It is learned from the official website of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development that the "Engineering Technical Standard for Household Waste Incineration and Energy Utilization" (GB/T51452-2024) (hereinafter referred to as the standard) jointly compiled by China Urban Construction Research Institute Co., Ltd. and 17 other units, including Jiangsu Huaxing East Environmental Protection Technology Co., LTD.) has been approved as the national standard. It will be implemented on May 1st. this year.
此标准是华星东方参与编纂并成功获批的又一重要技术标准,它的发布与实施将取代原有的行业标准《生活垃圾焚烧处理工程技术规范》(CJJ90-2009),标志着我国在生活垃圾焚烧处理及能源回收利用领域的技术进步与管理水平实现了质的飞跃。 It is another key standard that Huaxing East has participated in the compilation and been approved. Its release and implementation will replace the original industry standard "Technical Code for household Waste incineration Treatment Engineering" (CJJ90-2009), marking a substantive progress in China's technological promotion and management level in the field of household waste incineration treatment and energy recycling.
长期以来,华星东方在烟气净化领域深耕细作,主编及参编了包括《垃圾发电厂钠碱湿法烟气脱酸系统技术规程》DL/T 2818-2024(将于2025年3月24日实施)、《垃圾发电厂烟气净化系统技术规范》DL/T 1967-2019、《生物质电厂烟气净化工程技术规范》DL/T 2423-2021以及《危险废物焚烧烟气净化系统技术规范》DL/T 2428-2021在内的多项重要行业标准的制定。此外,在国家能源局综合司最新发布的《关于下达2024年能源领域行业标准制修订计划及外文版翻译计划的通知》中,由华星东方作为主要起草单位的《垃圾发电厂烟气选择性催化还原(SCR)脱硝系统技术规程》亦已顺利获得立项批准。 For quite a long time, Huaxing East has worked intensively in the field of flue gas cleaning to edit and participate in the Technical Specification for sodia-Alkali Wet Flue Gas deacidification System of Waste Power Plant DL/T 2818-2024 (to be implemented on March 24th., 2025), Technical Specification for Flue Gas Cleaning System of Waste Power Plant DL/T 1967-2019, Technical Specification for Flue Gas Cleaning Engineering of Biomass Power Plant DL/T 2423-2021 and "Hazardous Waste incineration flue gas cleaning System Technical Code" DL/T 2428-2021, including the development of a number of important industry standards. In addition, the Technical Specifications for the Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) Denitration System of waste Gas Power Plant by Huaxing East as the main drafter has also been successfully approved in the latest Notice issued by the General Department of the National Energy Administration on the issuance of the 2024 Industry Standard Revision Plan and Foreign Language translation Plan in the energy Field.
华星东方作为“业内多技术种类、高制造标准、大产能配套的国际性环保设备制造领域领军企业”,始终致力于核心装备的精密制造以及先进的排放技术的开发和实践。公司将持续加大研发投入和技术创新,强化品牌影响力,为改善城市环境质量、推动绿色发展贡献自己的力量。同时,公司也将积极响应国家环保政策,加强与政府、科研机构以及产业链上下游企业的合作,共同推动环保产业的持续健康发展。 As "a leading enterprise in the field of global environmental protection equipment manufacturing with multi-technology solutions, high manufacturing standards and sufficient production capacity", Huaxing East has always devoted to the precision manufacturing of core equipment and the development and practice of advanced emission technology. The company will continue to increase R&D investment and technological innovation, strengthen brand influence and contribute to improving urban environmental quality and promoting green development. Meanwhile, it has been actively responding to national environmental protection policies. Not only will it strengthen cooperation with the government, scientific research institutions and up&downstream enterprises in the industrial chain, but also jointly promote the sustainable and healthy development of the environmental protection industry.