我公司承建的湖南省衡阳市衡阳县生活垃圾焚烧发电项目烟气净化工程于2024年12月10日通过72+24小时试运行。 The flue gas cleaning project of the solid waste incineration power generation plant in Hengyang, Hunan Province, undertaken by HEPT, has passed a 72hour + 24-hour trial operation since 10th. Dec 2024.
该项目设计规模日焚烧处理垃圾600吨,配置1x600t/d焚烧炉+1×12MW纯凝式汽轮机。烟气处理采用“半干法(旋转雾化半干反应塔)+干法(喷射消石灰)+活性炭喷射+袋式除尘器”的烟气净化工艺,为我司设备供货工程。 The design scale of this incineration project is 600-ton per day, equipped with 1x600t/d incinerator +1×12MW pure condensing turbine. Flue gas treatment adopts the flue gas cleaning process of "semi-dry method (rotary atomization semi-dry reactor) + dry method (spray slaking lime) + activated carbon spray + bag dust collector", all of which have been supplied by HEPT.
华星东方在湖南省的业绩涵盖包括:常德二期、三期、常德石门、邵阳、邵阳武冈、衡阳、衡阳常宁等多个项目。 HEPT's reference in Hunan includes: the Phase II&III projects in Changde, projects in Shimen, Shaoyang, Wugang, Hengyang, Changning and a lot other projects as well.