我公司承建的江苏省无锡市江阴工业固废资源化热电联产项目烟气净化工程于2024年11月04日开工建设。 The flue gas cleanning project of industrial solid waste resource utilization in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, undertaken by Huaxing-East, has started construction since the 4th. Nov 2024.
该项目设计规模为日处理工业固废1000吨,配置2×500t/d固废焚烧生产线+2×25MW凝汽式汽轮发电机组。锅炉出口二氧化硫2200mg/Nm3,氯化氢1130mg/Nm3,烟气处理采用“SNCR(脱硝)+干法(脱酸)+SDA(减温增湿)+一级HTCD®高效新型低碳工艺+一级布袋式除尘器+干法(脱酸)+活性炭喷射(吸附)+二级HTCD®高效新型低碳工艺+二级布袋式除尘器+GGH+SGH+SCR脱硝+飞灰输送及存储”的烟气净化工艺,预留外置低低温省煤器 The design capacity is 1000 tons of industrial solid waste per day equipped with 2×500t/d solid waste incineration production line + 2×25MW condensing turbine generator set. The boiler outlet sulfur dioxide is 2200mg/Nm3 with 1130mg/Nm3 of hydrogen chloride. The flue gas treatment adopts "SNCR (denitrification) + dry method (deacidification) + SDA (temperature reduction and humidification) + primary HTCD® efficient new low-carbon process + primary cloth bag dust collector + dry method (deacidification) + activated carbon jet (adsorption) + secondary HTCD® efficient new low-carbon process + secondary bag dust collector +GGH+SGH+SCR denitrification + fly ash transportation and storage for the flue gas cleaning process. An additional area is reserved for external low temperature economizer. 我司负责整套烟气岛的工艺设计和供货,是国内首座运用机械水冷炉排配套双级HTCD®高效新型低碳工艺,实现高热值工业废弃物焚烧和高硫高氯烟气超净排放的工业应用。此次创新性采用双级HTCD®高效新型低碳工艺的组合工艺,通过终产物循环和活化,提高系统脱酸效率,降低吸收剂消耗,无废水生成,为工业废弃物焚烧、生活垃圾掺烧工业废弃物焚烧等锅炉出口烟气污染物硫、氯双高烟气净化工艺选择提供了新的思路。 HEPT takes full charge of the process design and supply of flue gas kit, which is the first industrial application in China to use the mechanical water-cooled grate to support the two-stage HTCD® efficient new low-carbon process to realize the incineration of high calorific value industrial waste and ultra-net emission of high sulfur & chlorine flue gas. The innovative adoption of two-stage HTCD® high-efficiency low-carbon combination process, through the final product cycle and activation, will improve the system deacidification efficiency and reduce absorbent consumption without any waste water generation. It can and will provide a brand-new concept for flue gas cleaning process of boiler flue gas pollutants (high sulfur & chlorine) of industrial waste incineration as well as household waste mixed combustion industrial waste incineration.
目前华星东方在江苏省的业绩涵盖包括:无锡锡东二期、无锡益多、无锡惠联二期、无锡江阴华锐、淮安、盐城大丰、盐城响水、连云港、宜兴热电、泰兴、盱眙、宿迁宿城、常州、徐州、张家港、南京江北、宿迁宿豫(危废)等多个项目。 Currently, Huaxing-East's reference in Jiangsu includes: Phase II of East Wuxi, Wuxi Yiduo, Phase II of Wuxi Huilian, Wuxi Jiangyin Huarui, Huaian, Yancheng Dafeng, Yancheng Xiangshui, Lianyungang, Yixing Thermal Power, Taixing, Xuyi, Suqian Sucheng, Changzhou, Xuzhou, Zhangjiagang, Nanjing Jiangbei, Suqian Suyu (hazardous waste) and so many other projects.