2024年8月24日至29日,江苏华星东方董事长、总工程师等相关领导一行赴日本开展了一系列参观交流活动,旨在通过实地探访、交流洽谈等形式,深入了解日本企业的先进技术和管理经验,探讨未来合作的可能性。 HEPT top management went to Japan to visit and exchange activities from Aug 24th. to 29th. to deeply learn the cutting-edge technology and advanced concept from Japanese enterprises as well as explore the potential cooperation with each other.
华星代表团一行在日本期间,先后参观了多家知名企业和机构,包括大崎广域中央净化中心、日本三菱重环总部、荏原水泵总部和水冷炉排工厂、武藏野城市清洁电厂。每到一处,代表团成员都认真听取企业介绍,详细了解企业历史、经营理念、产品研发和市场开拓等方面的情况,并进行了深入细致的交流。 A number of well-known enterprises and institutions, including Osaki Wide Area Central Cleaning Center, Mitsubishi Heavy Industry Environment Headquarter, Ebara Pump headquarter and its water cooling grate plant as well as Musashino Green Power Plant. Every staff attached great importance to their profiles through those history, business philosophy, product R&D and market development. Based on that, the both sides carried out in-depth and detailed exchanges in concept and actual business oppurtunities.
26日,华星代表团参观了大崎广域中央净化中心。大崎广域中央净化中心于2022年3月竣工并投入使用,拥有两台处理能力为70吨/日的设备。华星代表团成员参观了中心从垃圾收集、焚烧处理、发电、尾气处理、污泥处理等整个流程的工作,并与中心技术人员展开技术交流。这次参观给双方提供了一个宝贵的交流平台,有助于双方加强合作,共同推动产业发展。 HEPT paid a visit to the Osaki Wide Area Central Purification Center on the 26th. The Osaki Wide Area Central Purification Center was completed and put into operation in Mar 2022, with two facilities with a processing capacity of 70 tons per day. The whole process of the center from garbage collection, incineration treatment, power generation, tail gas treatment, sludge treatment were well visited. And both sides also carried out technical exchanges, which provides a valuable exchange platform to help both sides strengthen cooperation and jointly promote industrial development.
27日,华星代表团赴日本三菱重环总部参观及交流。此前,2024年6月,华星东方代表与三菱重环高层领导已在新加坡国际水博会(SIWW WATER EXPO 2024)上会面,初步沟通了海外市场的合作可能性,并一同参观了新加坡TuasOne工厂。在双方高层领导相互交流中,三菱方做了主题为“催化剂销售情况及市场动向”的介绍,华星方就催化剂、湿法技术、催化剂销售策略、小型化焚烧炉四个方面的议题做了讲解。未来双方将计划依托三菱重环在全球范围内的卓越研发实力,以及华星东方在制造领域的深厚积淀与强大优势下共谋发展。这一合作不仅彰显了双方的战略眼光与前瞻思维,更为我们今后进一步加深合作、共创辉煌奠定了坚实而稳固的基础。通过资源的优势互补与协同整合,我们有信心在激烈的市场竞争中脱颖而出,共同书写合作发展的新篇章。 On the 27th., HEPT visited Mitsubishi Heavy Industry Environment Headquarter. Both sides have already met at the SIWW WATER EXPO in Singapore and visited the TuasOne plant together in Jun. this year for initially learning the possibility of cooperation in overseas markets. During the meetings, Mitsubishi made an introduction with the theme of "Catalyst sales and market trends" and HEPT put forward explanations on four topics: catalyst, wet process technology, catalyst sales strategy and miniaturized incinerator. In near future, the two sides will plan to rely on Mitsubishi's excellent R&D capabilities around the world as well as HEPT's deep accumulation and strong advantages in the manufacturing field to seek common development. This cooperation not only highlights the strategic vision and forward-looking thinking of both sides, but also lays a solid foundation for further deepening cooperation. Through the complementary advantages of resources and collaborative integration, HEPT is quite confident to stand out in the extremely intensive market competition.
28日-29日,华星东方代表团参观了日本荏原总部及水冷炉排工厂、武藏野城市清洁电厂,并与电厂相关领导做了交流与沟通,了解他们在产品开发、技术创新以及市场拓展等方面的经验和做法。 HEPT visited the headquarter of Ebara and its the water-cooled grate plant as well as the Musashino City Green Power Plant on the 28th. and 29th., Both sides exchanged with the operation team of the power plant to understand their actual working experience and concept in product development, technological innovation and market expansion.
此次华星代表团赴日本参观交流活动不仅为双方企业提供了宝贵的交流平台,也加深了中日企业之间的了解和友谊。不仅开阔了眼界,也拓展了合作思路。华星代表团成员表示,将以此次活动为契机,继续秉持开放、合作、共赢的理念,加强与日本企业的交流与合作,共同应对全球性挑战,为推动经济全球化和区域一体化进程贡献自己的力量。 The visit not only provided a valuable exchange platform for both sides, but also deepened the understanding and friendship between Chinese and Japanese enterprises. It also broadens the business horizon and expand the cooperation oppurtunities. HEPT said that they would take this opportunity to continue to uphold the concept of openness, cooperation and win-win idea to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with Japanese enterprises to jointly cope with global challenges. In addition, they will contribute their full strength to promote the process of environmental economic globalization and regional eco-friendly technology integration.